Well, we're off to Vegas first thing Monday morning, returning sometime on Saturday. And in the spirit of things, I thought I'd do a little reflection on some of the holiday highlights here in our humble household.
I'm hoping I don't lose too many readers by not being here for a week - but then again, I don't have many to lose, plus a trip to Vegas kind of trumps everything else these days...especially after being in lock down with four kids for the past week surrounded by never ending packaging to open and cardboard recycling up the ass.
And to throw out a temptation for those somewhat interested in what goes on in Vegas... it'll be my 100th post when I return, so I'll have to make it a doozy. And let's just say that even though my husband and I agree "What goes on in Vegas STAYS in Vegas", I promise to bring my camera and share some of our highlights. [I'll probably have blogging content for months from this trip.] .
So, here ya go. And one pic really says it all... and it's not my armpit, I swear.
And even though we had our share of family over the past week, there's nothing like running around like a chicken with your head cut off, sipping wine and chasing 14 kids through the house [along with my brother's new bichon puppy] in the spirit of celebrating the holidays.
OK. Two more pics.
The first only comes in the format of an apology for my last post picture which I believe may have been a little too "real" for some people...This school holiday feast pic has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas but since it's new [and I believe I scared off many readers with the close up of my sweaty arm pit], I thought I would include it to show that I actually do love my kids. Swear. [Oh, and I can clean up somewhat decent too, if needed.]
And finally, remember that post reaching out to all of you asking if we should make the jump and bring home a puppy? WELL...............................
No fucking way. This is Gizelle, my brother's bichon puppy who we kindly babysat overnight for this past week. That's all it took. I'm not sure if it was the brutal attack to our Christmas tree or the walks at 3:30am after being woke up by puppy yelping. But it was the best gift we could have gotten. A sound decision. There is no way this household can manage a puppy right now. Thanks Sami for the opportunity. [And we might even offer to have Gizelle back once she sleeps through the night and kindly shits and pisses outside, bro.]
It seems like this was the longest holiday ever. If I see another present handed to any of our children in the next several weeks I could possibly lash out and dig my nails into the kind presenters' eyeballs, so for those of you in close proximity, stay clear. In all seriousness, we're going to try to make a new tradition next year of taking all the kids to help work in a soup kitchen, or some other "giving" capacity to help those who most need it. If any one out there has any suggestions, please advise - PLEASE - before our kids turn into total narcissists and feed on other kids. It's totally possible these days, and absolutely not acceptable in this house.
See you in a week, and Happy New Year!